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Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

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When Joe Assell was an undergraduate student at Mississippi State, he competed for a prized summer internship at Cherry Hills, the legendary golf course just outside Denver. The problem with prized internships is that everyone wants to get them, and Cherry Hills had set aside a single opening for Mississippi State. So, Joe did what an effective, future business leader should do and mined a key relationship, in this case the classmate who had held the internship the previous year.

“I had formed a good relationship with him and asked him to lobby on my behalf,” Assell said. Not putting all his eggs in one referral basket, Assell also reached out to the Head Golf Professional at the Golf Club of Tennessee where Assell had interned the year before and, just as important, a friend of one of the golf pros at Cherry Hills.

“And somehow I was able to out navigate the other guys who were hoping to go to Cherry Hills and land the really coveted internship that, frankly, changed the rest of my life,” said Joe. There was no “somehow” about his accomplishment, however, as Joe himself points out when he says, “It’s not just the people, it’s the quality of the relationship you have with the people. You have to stay in touch and build those relationships.”

In other words, you have to be a friend to make a friend. And, in this podcast, Joe certainly makes the case that what often separates effective leaders from the also-rans is the ability to make good friends.

Joe has more than proved himself an effective builder of relationships and business as the President and CEO of GOLFTEC, the leading global provider of golf lessons and club fittings. In 1995, Joe shared a vision with co-founder Clayton Cole to help golfers improve by providing them with great coaching and state-of-the-art technology. Joe’s guidance has taken the company from a single-employee operation to employing more than 1,200 employees today in 250 locations providing more than one million golf lessons each year.

He has been recognized as PGA Golf Executive of the Year, Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year for the Rocky Mountain region, and Golf Inc. named him one of the Top 25 Most Powerful People in Golf.

In the podcast, Joe reminds current and aspiring business leaders, alike, of the importance of building strong relationships in every area of an organization, offering tips such as:

  • What to do after you have exchanged business cards with someone at a networking event.
  • Why GOLFTEC hires teammates as much for personality as for technical experience.
  • The number one sign you have succeeded in the relationship business—regardless of your industry.

You will learn:

  • How to be the leader each member of your team needs rather than a one size fits all leader.
  • Why organizational success should never come down to a single-point of success or failure.
  • How to model calm presence and total responsibility to your team when these qualities are needed most.


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Greg Brenneman

Home Depot Board Director

“Don, you have mastered the skill of interviewing and asking great questions. That is a great skill all leaders need in order to understand their team members’ thought processes.”

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John C. Maxwell

Best-Selling Author, Leadership Expert

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Simon Sinek

Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker

“Don is one of the best storytellers I’ve ever met. I’ve known him for a long time and every time we talk I walk away wiser and more inspired. He is the best in the business at teaching you a skill – storytelling – that will last you a lifetime.”

Beth Brooke

Beth Brooke

Global Vice Chair of Public Policy for Ernst & Young

“The ability for athletes to get hired is carried on through you because you are putting out the message that lessons learned from sports are important in life. It is embedded in this podcast, what you’re doing is significant.”

RIck Hendrick

Rick Hendrick

NASCAR Hall of Famer, Owner of Hendrick Motorsports & Chairman of the Hendrick Automotive Group

“We speak the same language. I am inspired by the stories you tell, the people you have met, and the things you’ve done. Those of us that are competitors like to follow others that have been down that journey, so it is always fun talking to you!”

Bill George

Bill George

Longtime Medtronic CEO, Harvard Professor

“Many of the leaders I have worked with were excellent athletes, and I think there is a direct correlation. You’re one of the few people that really has pursued this study, Don. Keep up the great work. What you are doing really makes a difference.”

Savannah Gallagher


Jon Rousseau


Francisco Nunez


Brett Rutherford


Special thanks to Dave Moore, Lauren Hafner, Samantha Clark, and the Florida State University Internship Program for consistently supporting our research team.

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