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Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

Tim Storey

America’s Life Coach wants you to “go plural.”

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The next time you’re about to enjoy a fine meal, take a moment to appreciate everyone who played a role in bringing you to this table at this moment. That’s what Tim Storey, a renowned author and life coach, does.

“Life is like a diner, and you have to look at all the moving parts that take place before the waiter or waitress puts down the plate,” said Storey during the podcast. “I would not be having this life if it weren’t for all the moving parts. If I don’t have the host or hostess to put me in the right seat. If I don’t have the menu. If I don’t have the cook. If I don’t have the person who’s sitting across from me. So this life that I get to enjoy.”

Storey grew up playing basketball, football, baseball and tennis in the same neighborhood as Serena and Venus Williams, and like them he has traveled far. The author of The Ultimate Comeback Coach, Storey has made an impact on millions of people in 75 countries through his keynote speeches and books.

Whether he’s working one-on-one with celebrities like Robert Downey Jr. and Kanye West or sharing his wisdom on interviews like this one, Storey specializes in helping others tap into the wellspring of motivation that comes from seeing the world as a place of abundance. The key to living an empowered and impactful life, he argues, requires seeing ourselves as active, intentional agents capable of turning setbacks into comebacks.

Small wonder that he has been referred to as “the comeback king.”

In the podcast, Storey outlines his patented four-part comeback process: beginning with awakening to the reality of your setback, taking inventory of your mindset to see where you can improve, partnering with the right people who can serve as coaches, and establishing a set of principles that will guide you on your journey.

Those looking for personal leadership guidance from the best in the business will appreciate Storey’s stories and insights, including:

  • How to be more intentional about creating opportunities.
  • How to get into your personal “discovery zone” to recharge your batteries.
  • Why becoming your best self requires you “to go plural,” not go it alone.


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“The ability for athletes to get hired is carried on through you because you are putting out the message that lessons learned from sports are important in life. It is embedded in this podcast, what you’re doing is significant.”

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Rick Hendrick

NASCAR Hall of Famer, Owner of Hendrick Motorsports & Chairman of the Hendrick Automotive Group

“We speak the same language. I am inspired by the stories you tell, the people you have met, and the things you’ve done. Those of us that are competitors like to follow others that have been down that journey, so it is always fun talking to you!”

Bill George

Bill George

Longtime Medtronic CEO, Harvard Professor

“Many of the leaders I have worked with were excellent athletes, and I think there is a direct correlation. You’re one of the few people that really has pursued this study, Don. Keep up the great work. What you are doing really makes a difference.”

Savannah Gallagher


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Francisco Nunez


Brett Rutherford


Special thanks to Dave Moore, Lauren Hafner, Samantha Clark, and the Florida State University Internship Program for consistently supporting our research team.

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