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Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

What Makes the Great Teams Great

In this presentation Don takes your audience behind the scenes of the greatest teams of all time, and how to embrace the habits that makes them consistently successful.

What Makes the Great Teams Great

Empower each member of your audience to seek personal greatness through impactful, lesson-oriented stories of the greatest winners of all time.

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The 16 Habits of Great Teams

Great Teams Understand Their “WHY”

They are connected to a Greater purpose.
Learn how to constantly remind your players and employees of who they are in service of while being acutely aware of downstream beneficiaries.

Great Teams Have And Develop Leaders

They sustain success by placing a high value on leadership.
Learn the common leadership styles and how to develop the type of management that best fits your team.

Great Teams Allow Culture to Shape Recruiting

They sustain success by placing a high value on leadership.
Learn the common leadership styles and how to develop the type of management that best fits your team.

Great Teams Create and Retain Depth

They build a deep bench at all levels of the organization.
Learn how to identify high potentials and keep them engaged with healthy, internal competition.

Great Teams Have a Roadmap

Its leaders build for the future with comprehensive plans.
Learn how to develop a well-designed training program that ensures team members are onboarded with the end goal in mind.

Great Teams Strive to Build Camaraderie

Its members develop a sense of responsibility through fellowship.
Discover how to infuse camaraderie throughout your team culture to promote a sense of collective direction.

Great Teams Manage Dysfunction, Friction and Strong Personalities

Great Teams know how to succeed despite adversity and friction.
Learn how to maintain winning results while enduring the inevitable tension, conflict, and turmoil present in most workplace environments.

Great Teams Build A Mentoring Culture

They encourage a mentoring culture inspired by teaching and learning every day.
Find out how to create the ideal mentoring relationship structure through assigning specific roles and responsibilities for all members of the team.

Great Teams Adjust Quickly to Leadership Changes and Transitions

The most successful teams endure change and keep the established culture intact.
Gain insight in how to prevent stoppages in productivity when mergers, acquisitions, promotions, demotions, or other leadership transitions occur.

Great Teams Adapt And Embrace Change

They understand what sowed winning results in the past might not guarantee future success.
Pick up tips on how the Great Team leaders identify necessary adjustments and quickly conform strategies to fit the changing landscape.

Great Teams Run Successful Huddles

Meetings, like huddles, are an important part of achieving Greatness.
Master the art of efficient and effective meetings that reduce confusion, heighten engagement, and spark high-performance.

Great Teams Improve Through Scouting

They scout internally and externally to gain a competitive advantage.
Learn how to find winning results by placing equal value on the study of competitors as well as introspective approaches like self-evaluation, internal trends, and performance reviews.

Great Teams See Value Others Miss

They recognize the opportunity in thinking outside the box.
Identify new channels of success through an emphasis on innovative interpretations of quantitative data, metrics, and hidden gems.

Great Teams Win In Critical Situations

They thrive and win in high pressure circumstances.
Unlock the ability to finish strong in high-stakes or stressful scenarios by learning how the Great Teams have consistently won the fourth quarter.

Great Teams Speak A Different Language

They speak success into existence.
Discover how to ask the right questions and promote effective communication on a high-performing, underachieving, seasoned or inexperienced team.

Great Teams Avoid The Pitfalls of Success

They seek to sustain success by resisting complacency and other distractions.
Identify the common trappings of success and how the all-time Greats were able to defy human nature, sift temptation, and maintain high-performance.

Bring These Lessons To Your Team Virtually

From your living room to the office, Don will teach your organization virtually what it takes for a team to be able to attain sustainable success.

Each month your team will cover a new lesson, complete with coursework and excercises aimed at growing a culture of greatness within your organization.

Florida State University College Of Business Certificate
Florida State University Certificate of Business Leadership awarded upon completion of 12 or more lessons.

Great Teams Understand Their “WHY”

They are connected to a Greater purpose.
Learn how to constantly remind your players and employees of who they are in service of while being acutely aware of downstream beneficiaries.

Great Teams Have And Develop Leaders

They sustain success by placing a high value on leadership.
Learn the common leadership styles and how to develop the type of management that best fits your team.

Great Teams Allow Culture to Shape Recruiting

They sustain success by placing a high value on leadership.
Learn the common leadership styles and how to develop the type of management that best fits your team.

Great Teams Create and Retain Depth

They build a deep bench at all levels of the organization.
Learn how to identify high potentials and keep them engaged with healthy, internal competition.

Great Teams Have a Roadmap

Its leaders build for the future with comprehensive plans.
Learn how to develop a well-designed training program that ensures team members are onboarded with the end goal in mind.

Great Teams Strive to Build Camaraderie

Its members develop a sense of responsibility through fellowship.
Discover how to infuse camaraderie throughout your team culture to promote a sense of collective direction.

Great Teams Manage Dysfunction, Friction and Strong Personalities

Great Teams know how to succeed despite adversity and friction.
Learn how to maintain winning results while enduring the inevitable tension, conflict, and turmoil present in most workplace environments.

Great Teams Build A Mentoring Culture

They encourage a mentoring culture inspired by teaching and learning every day.
Find out how to create the ideal mentoring relationship structure through assigning specific roles and responsibilities for all members of the team.

Great Teams Adjust Quickly to Leadership Changes and Transitions

The most successful teams endure change and keep the established culture intact.
Gain insight in how to prevent stoppages in productivity when mergers, acquisitions, promotions, demotions, or other leadership transitions occur.

Great Teams Adapt And Embrace Change

They understand what sowed winning results in the past might not guarantee future success.
Pick up tips on how the Great Team leaders identify necessary adjustments and quickly conform strategies to fit the changing landscape.

Great Teams Run Successful Huddles

Meetings, like huddles, are an important part of achieving Greatness.
Master the art of efficient and effective meetings that reduce confusion, heighten engagement, and spark high-performance.

Great Teams Improve Through Scouting

They scout internally and externally to gain a competitive advantage.
Learn how to find winning results by placing equal value on the study of competitors as well as introspective approaches like self-evaluation, internal trends, and performance reviews.

Great Teams See Value Others Miss

They recognize the opportunity in thinking outside the box.
Identify new channels of success through an emphasis on innovative interpretations of quantitative data, metrics, and hidden gems.

Great Teams Win In Critical Situations

They thrive and win in high pressure circumstances.
Unlock the ability to finish strong in high-stakes or stressful scenarios by learning how the Great Teams have consistently won the fourth quarter.

Great Teams Speak A Different Language

They speak success into existence.
Discover how to ask the right questions and promote effective communication on a high-performing, underachieving, seasoned or inexperienced team.

Great Teams Avoid The Pitfalls of Success

They seek to sustain success by resisting complacency and other distractions.
Identify the common trappings of success and how the all-time Greats were able to defy human nature, sift temptation, and maintain high-performance.

Bring These Lessons To Your Team Virtually

Don will teach your organization virtually what it takes for a team to be able to attain sustainable success.

Each month your team will cover a new lesson, complete with coursework and exercises aimed at growing a culture of greatness within your organization.

Florida State University College Of Business Certificate
Florida State University Certificate of Business Leadership awarded upon completion of 12 or more lessons.
Don has done the qualitative research, and provides action plans proven to increase the amount of discretionary energy your team exhibits every day.
Discover the characteristics of high-performing individuals.
How to become invaluable without ever being most valuable.
Increase influence, captivate customers, and develop deeper relationships.


Before we begin writing questions, we conduct 10+ hours of research, including finding pictures and stories from high school yearbooks and listening to commencement speeches, keynote addresses, and past interviews.


Our team spends 10+ hours removing verbal fillers – um’s, uh’s and you know’s – removing awkward pauses, and engineering audio quality all with the intention to deliver a best-in-class listener experience.


Corporate Competitor is featured on every major podcast platform and sent every Wednesday in Chief Executive’s CEO Briefing e-blast to 300,000 leaders worldwide. Each episode’s custom-built web page — which includes leadership lessons listed by timecode— is shared on Don’s social media platforms (with a combined following of 75,000)

From your living room to the office, Don will teach your organization virtually what it takes for a team to be able to attain sustainable success.

Each month your team will cover a new lesson, complete with coursework and excercises aimed at growing a culture of greatness within your organization.

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