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Award-Winning Leadership Speaker, Executive Coach & New York Times Best-Selling Author

The Art Of Storytelling

Increase influence, captivate customers, and develop deeper relationships.

The Art Of Storytelling

Increase influence, captivate customers, and develop deeper relationships.

Great storytellers make the best






Dinner Guests

It is a Universal Truth: Storytellers change the world.

They connect with others at such an intimate level that the storytellers become the best leaders, the best mentors, the best teachers, preachers, politicians and salespeople. They’re even the best dinner guests!

Storytellers have the ability to connect others to a powerful vision and mission and help them see how everyone contributes to a part of the whole. Today, leaders are recognizing that it is through narrative, rather than numbers, that they have the best opportunity to forge these connections. Today, successful leadership is quite simply inseparable from effective storytelling.

Whether you’re speaking to an audience of one or 1,000 – on a sales call or a stage; a talk show or around a meal – those who connect with their listeners best do so through great storytelling.

Numbers do matter, and leaders must be responsible for the bottom line. However, over time, bottom-line conversations begin to feel cold, only motivating teams to work hard enough to keep their jobs safe. Numbers will accomplish little to attract and keep stakeholders — customers, new teammates and, believe it or not, even investors — attached to your project.

For that, you need a powerful and easily consumed story. Brands are complex puzzles of which most people experience only small pieces. Stories put the pieces together and reveal a magnificent picture that people can gather around. Research has shown that character-driven stories produce chemicals in the brain that strengthen empathy and a willingness to act on that empathy. Build your story around people — or better still, around a person.

The MOD Pizza Story…

Scott Svenson did this as he built his remarkable brand, MOD Pizza. The Seattle-based fast-casual restaurant chain offers artisan-style pizzas and salads at 500 locations across America. But as Scott is quick to point out, those impressive statistics are not MOD Pizza’s “story.”

In fact, they’re not even close.

Read Their Story

Numbers will accomplish little to attract and keep stakeholders — customers, new teammates and, believe it or not, even investors — attached to your project.

A memorable story works from the “bottom-up” rather than the “top-down.” It begins with the particular and branches out to the general.

Storytelling Structure

The MOD Pizza Story…

Scott Svenson did this as he built his remarkable brand, MOD Pizza. The Seattle-based fast-casual restaurant chain offers artisan-style pizzas and salads at 500 locations across America. But as Scott is quick to point out, those impressive statistics are not MOD Pizza’s “story.”

In fact, they’re not even close.

Read Their Story

The good news is that the Art of Storytelling can be learned!
Discover the habits that all teams to become consistently successful.
Live and virtual presentations that help build your team culture.
How to become invaluable without ever being most valuable.


Before we begin writing questions, we conduct 10+ hours of research, including finding pictures and stories from high school yearbooks and listening to commencement speeches, keynote addresses, and past interviews.


Our team spends 10+ hours removing verbal fillers – um’s, uh’s and you know’s – removing awkward pauses, and engineering audio quality all with the intention to deliver a best-in-class listener experience.


Corporate Competitor is featured on every major podcast platform and sent every Wednesday in Chief Executive’s CEO Briefing e-blast to 300,000 leaders worldwide. Each episode’s custom-built web page — which includes leadership lessons listed by timecode— is shared on Don’s social media platforms (with a combined following of 75,000)
  • When can new interns begin?
    Most students begin at the beginning of each semester, but we have had a few exceptions.

  • Where are your internships located?
    Our office is 10 minutes from Florida State University’s campus in Tallahassee, Florida. Fully remote internships are available.

  • Who is eligible to apply? What prerequisites are needed?
    We are looking for self-motivated college students that have a passion for sports and business. Our ideal candidate is detail-oriented with exceptional writing and research skills. If you tend to procrastinate, this internship is not for you.

MOD Pizza is a best-in-class, highly profitable business whose purpose is to serve people and contribute to a world that works for and includes everyone,” says Scott. To illustrate how his purpose-driven business works, Scott doesn’t launch into a treatise about inclusion. Rather, he tells the story of hiring one employee who came to work at MOD straight out of prison, still wearing an ankle bracelet tracking device. Over his 13-year career to date, the employee has repaid Scott’s belief in him by becoming a top performing employee and, eventually, a leader among the chain’s general managers.

The story of the former inmate embodies many core attributes of MOD Pizza’s brand: hard work, respect, gratitude, team loyalty, a corporate culture rooted in trust… the list goes on. All other things being equal, if you were choosing where to buy your pizza next Friday night, wouldn’t you opt for a restaurant that baked trust and a belief in second chances into its fresh dough than one that was only concerned about, well, making more dough?

Wouldn’t you rather work there. Or invest there?

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